The following post is a response to an article authored by R’ Eli Teitelbaum, published in last week’s Yated Ne’eman, in reference to unacceptable behavior taking place in the Catskill Mountains recently.
Leitzona Achas Docha Meah Tochachos.
One dismissive comment can erase the effects of a hundred rebukes.
The Mishnah in Pirkei Avos tells us that when two people get together for a meal, and no Divrei Torah are exchanged between them, they are classified as a Moshav Leitzim, a get-together of scorners.
The Meforshim (commentators) question why the Mishnah refers to them as scorners, after all, who or what exactly, were they scorning? They were merely eating their meal without exchanging Torah thoughts.
They answer as follows; a Leitz (scorner) is not simply one who makes light of, or ridicules, something or someone important. Rather, a scorner is one who by his action, or even inaction, shows disrespect to a worthy cause. When two people get together for a meal, and no words of Torah are exchanged between them, they are in essence scorning the Torah; for if they truly valued its worth, they would never sit without exchanging any words of Torah between them.
A terrible calamity has befallen the Frum world. In R’ Teitelbaum’s own words “Many people are in total shock at some of the goings-on in the Catskills this summer. I will not go into the details. Suffice it to say that hundreds of our teenagers – boys and girls – were enticed to engage in activities that are far from what their parents and teachers consider acceptable, and far from what we have a right to expect from yeshiva and Bais Yaakov products.”
People informed of the situation are crestfallen. How could such events happen? What message is Hashem sending us? Boys’ camps, girls’ camps, and bungalow colonies, should be doing some very serious introspection and soul-searching.
The last thing needed right now is for someone to write a lengthy article extolling the virtues of our camp system.
Let the shock have its effect.
Let Hashem’s message sink in.
Let Camps and parents do their utmost to ensure that such events never take place again.
The backlash against Camps is both beneficial and healthy for the long-term spiritual health of our youngsters. Without it, the Mussar (reproach) would not be taken, and such a powerful wake-up call would go unheeded. Who knows what the Yetzer Harah is planning for us next? We must prepare!
Please don’t misunderstand my post as a call to ban acceptable and Kosher entertainment for our youth. However, when a tragedy befalls us, our reflexive and primary focus must be on how and why it occurred, and ways to prevent its recurrence. To immediately defend Kosher entertainment, however true, is flat-out wrong. It is tantamount to Leitzonus – scorning, making light of the powerful message we should be ingraining.
With all due respect to R’ Teitelbaum; now is not the time! In the Yimei Harachamim V’Haslichos let us all feel terrible over what happened and try our best to make sure that it never happens again.
Eventually, with the help of Hashem, Camps will institute appropriate safeguards ensuring that such events never recur.
Then, and only then, should an article be written extolling their virtues.
There is a time for Teshuvah and there is a time for defending.
Now is the time for Teshuvah.
P.S. Please keep the comments respectful and Lashon Hara-free. Thank you.
Leitzona Achas Docha Meah Tochachos.
One dismissive comment can erase the effects of a hundred rebukes.
The Mishnah in Pirkei Avos tells us that when two people get together for a meal, and no Divrei Torah are exchanged between them, they are classified as a Moshav Leitzim, a get-together of scorners.
The Meforshim (commentators) question why the Mishnah refers to them as scorners, after all, who or what exactly, were they scorning? They were merely eating their meal without exchanging Torah thoughts.
They answer as follows; a Leitz (scorner) is not simply one who makes light of, or ridicules, something or someone important. Rather, a scorner is one who by his action, or even inaction, shows disrespect to a worthy cause. When two people get together for a meal, and no words of Torah are exchanged between them, they are in essence scorning the Torah; for if they truly valued its worth, they would never sit without exchanging any words of Torah between them.
A terrible calamity has befallen the Frum world. In R’ Teitelbaum’s own words “Many people are in total shock at some of the goings-on in the Catskills this summer. I will not go into the details. Suffice it to say that hundreds of our teenagers – boys and girls – were enticed to engage in activities that are far from what their parents and teachers consider acceptable, and far from what we have a right to expect from yeshiva and Bais Yaakov products.”
People informed of the situation are crestfallen. How could such events happen? What message is Hashem sending us? Boys’ camps, girls’ camps, and bungalow colonies, should be doing some very serious introspection and soul-searching.
The last thing needed right now is for someone to write a lengthy article extolling the virtues of our camp system.
Let the shock have its effect.
Let Hashem’s message sink in.
Let Camps and parents do their utmost to ensure that such events never take place again.
The backlash against Camps is both beneficial and healthy for the long-term spiritual health of our youngsters. Without it, the Mussar (reproach) would not be taken, and such a powerful wake-up call would go unheeded. Who knows what the Yetzer Harah is planning for us next? We must prepare!
Please don’t misunderstand my post as a call to ban acceptable and Kosher entertainment for our youth. However, when a tragedy befalls us, our reflexive and primary focus must be on how and why it occurred, and ways to prevent its recurrence. To immediately defend Kosher entertainment, however true, is flat-out wrong. It is tantamount to Leitzonus – scorning, making light of the powerful message we should be ingraining.
With all due respect to R’ Teitelbaum; now is not the time! In the Yimei Harachamim V’Haslichos let us all feel terrible over what happened and try our best to make sure that it never happens again.
Eventually, with the help of Hashem, Camps will institute appropriate safeguards ensuring that such events never recur.
Then, and only then, should an article be written extolling their virtues.
There is a time for Teshuvah and there is a time for defending.
Now is the time for Teshuvah.
P.S. Please keep the comments respectful and Lashon Hara-free. Thank you.
Welcome back!
Firstly, welcome back.
Secondly I agree with you in this post.
Thirdly, R' Eli Teitelbaum recently also posted an attack on the Gedolim (across the spectrum) of Eretz Yisroel's ban on the frivolousness and worse occuring at certain concerts. It is incomprehensible how he could issue that attack, despite its attempted sophistry that it really isn't attacking the Gedolim.
welcome back! I have been waiting a long time for your next post, and now it is finally here!
I do not know what R' Teitelbaum wrote in the Yated so I do not know on what you are commenting.
I would just like to say that there is never a wrong time to try to fix the problems of klal yisrael.
He's back...!!!
Wait, I just declared you MIA...
While I have many issues with the bans and pronoucements of recent memory, I do think there is some truth in nearly every one of them. Over Rosh Hashana I found myself reflecting on this as I saw certain things.
Certainly our pursuit of entertainment is an issue. (I'm speaking for myself too). There is a need to refresh oneself, whether it be from working, learning, child rearing, or housekeeping. But, sometimes it seems like the pursuit of entertainment has taken center stage and it is hard to just be alone with our thoughts or even our family and/or friends. It seems like there is often a need for bigger and better. I think we definitely need to step back and look at how we entertain ourselves (shopping, chol ha'moed trips, concerts, internet, movies, sports, etc) and see what life we are creating for us and our children and what messages we are sending out.
Thanks for your thoughts. You have a thoughtful blog with needed mussar.
I am puzzled by your complaint. It seems to me that Rabbi Teitelbaum was focusing on why the problem occured and how to prevent its recurrance. Perhaps you disagree with his conclusions; that's fine. However, unless you are referring to a different article than the one I read, I do not see how you view it as not taking the problem seriously
I have a lot of respect for Rav Teitalbaum.I would appreciate the article posted as I do not get the Yated or Modiya in our homes.
You can see the article by Rabbi Teitelbaum on Cross Currents or You can see the original article at the latter site, which is the article that started it all.
There are no easy solutions to these problems the frum community is now beginning to face. I'm sure we all have our theories of what is going wrong and what solutions are necessary. But I like IFT's premises that we need the facts on the ground to sink in first.
Hey, I'd just given up checking on you... Welcome back :)
Anyway, I didn't read the original article so no comment. But what you said makes plenty of sense to me.
I just read the article, thank you for pointing it at at Rabbi Horowitz site.
I do not see anything wrong with the article, on the contrary, I believe Rabbi T. hit the nail on the head.
I have read your post, and frankly I must be missing something as I do not know what you are disagreeing with.I agree we should to teshuva, but I do not think Rabbi T disagrees with you.
The fact that he defends concerts I do not consider that Letzanus at all.
Anon 9/15 11:12 (2nd comment) here:
Actually the article I am referring to above, is the same article by R' Teitelbaum that you are commenting on. (My comment above assumed it to be another article.)
hey i am almost gone and now u come back
welcome back
valid points
a gmar chasima tova shanas geula vyeshua v'hisromos keren yisroel.
have a gut gebencht yohr
I know of someone who tried to take a stand against it all.
but often, to take a stand, one needs backing. not financial backing, but the support and aid of the multitudes. and not only in words, but in actions.
i know of many things that went on in a couple of camps... some that the camps knew about and some of which they were clueless.
i found that speaking to the girls in an upfront, open and trusting way worked wonders. not for each girl, but for many. when they know thatsomeone will speak straight with them and not beat round the bush, they gain self confidence and dont necessarily need all the goings on...
can't say the same for the guys - don't have much experience with that gender.
welcome back
it is nice to have a sane respectful voice out in blogesphere
IFT, you used to be more responsive - quicker to reply to comments, etc.
What has changed?
Ah Gut Yur
bruchim habaim! welcome back. your critique or rabbi t is on the mark
Its good to see you are still alive, as demonstrated by the fact you came back to Planet Blog to delete an inappropriate comment above :-)
You are obviously young. You don't recall the 50's before all the "Jewish frum" music became popular.
When a yeshiva boy wanted to listen to music or had a "taiva" to go to a show, what did he listen to and where did he go? Let me tell you that it wasn't so kosher.
With the advent of Jewish music and our more modern concerts, all this has changed.
Do you really want to undo this? Are you willing to gamble and risk going back there?
You're words sound nice and frum, but look at where you're going; it isn't pretty.
IFT - Just wanted to drop you a note wishing you well in your semi-retirement!
Oops, let me retract that...
Congrats on your (full) retirement!
arouse yourself! awaken!
please feed us with a new post for a change...
thank you
I am afraid that some of the more recent comments are utterly inappropriate. I am appealing to IFT to kindly delete them
Thank you
Hello everyone,
Thank you for leaving comments on this post.
I know it has been quite a while, I am still mulling a comeback.
By the way, I can always be contacted via email.
All the best!
Apparently you are still mulling?
this will get censored.
f u c ? what cums next?
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